Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Our Students are Here

I hope everyone had a great time receiving the students at the airport yesterday. I've never been to the International terminal so that was a treat for me. Our student, Florine, is settling in and getting adjusted to our family. Our dog Hershey has fallen in love with her (and her toes).

We got home later than normal yesterday due to the fact that I drove north - way, way, way north - although I have a GPS in my truck. Part of our normal life included running a few errands. We went to the grocery store and Costco for a printer cartridge.

This afternoon, Ashley, Florine, Taylor and Elizabeth met me at work after shopping at the Water Tower for a homecoming dress. I drove them home and I asked them about their first day in Chicago. We're looking forward to meeting Norman family tomorrow night.

I'll leave you with a few more pictures from the airport.

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